How might a cinematographer create a believable scene in nature?

A. Through research of plants and animals.
B. Through adjustment of props.
C. Through lighting techniques that mimic natural light.
D. Through close-up filming techniques.
Is the answer c?
Thank you

it was right

I've seen this question before, and I wondered why a photographer would need to mimic natural light if he/she were "in nature."

Is the photographer supposed to be out in the woods or somewhere? Or is he/she in a studio trying to make the scene look like somewhere out in the woods?

The question is odd. How does your text address this?

It don't. That's why I am confused.

Well, then ... I guess we should assume that "create a believable scene" means they are inside a studio and trying to make the scene seem real.

C seems right, but so do A and B.

I sure wish you had a better text ... or better questions and answer choices. =(


quit pickin more than one answer

Yes, the answer is C. Through lighting techniques that mimic natural light.

To create a believable scene in nature, a cinematographer can use specific lighting techniques that mimic the natural lighting conditions found in the environment they are trying to reproduce. This can include using soft and diffused lighting to mimic the gentle lighting of a sunny day or using directional lighting to replicate the strong and dramatic lighting of a sunset. By carefully controlling and adjusting the lighting setup, cinematographers can create a more realistic and immersive depiction of a natural scene.

A is also a valid approach as researching plants and animals in the natural environment can help cinematographers accurately depict the flora and fauna in their scenes. This can involve studying the behavior, appearance, and habitat of the specific plants and animals to ensure their accurate representation.

B and D are less directly related to creating a believable scene in nature. Adjusting props can contribute to the overall visual composition and design of the scene, but it may not specifically address the naturalness of the scene. Close-up filming techniques, on the other hand, can be used to capture specific details in nature but might not be the main factor in creating a believable scene as a whole.