The United States Supreme Court's acrhitectual design symbolizes what values that are also shares with Greek culture?

A. Resistance and persistance.
B. Creativity and love.
C. Tranquility and peace.
D. Balance and justice.
Is the answer D?
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Yes, the answer is D. The architectural design of the United States Supreme Court symbolizes values that are shared with Greek culture, particularly those of balance and justice. To arrive at this answer, you can analyze the question and its options, consider the architectural elements of the Supreme Court building, and draw connections to Greek culture.

1. Read the question: The question asks about the symbolic values represented in the architectural design of the United States Supreme Court.

2. Consider the options: Review the provided options—A, B, C, and D.

- Option A suggests resistance and persistence, which might not be commonly associated with the architectural design of the Supreme Court.
- Option B proposes creativity and love, which are interesting values but not typically emphasized in the design.
- Option C mentions tranquility and peace, which are relevant values but not explicitly highlighted in the design.
- Option D brings up balance and justice, which align with the principles associated with the Supreme Court and could potentially be linked to Greek culture.

3. Analyze the architectural design: Consider the physical characteristics of the United States Supreme Court building. The architecture incorporates Greek influences, such as the neoclassical design with columns resembling those found in ancient Greek temples.

4. Connect to Greek culture: Greek culture highly valued the principles of balance and justice, inherent in their philosophy, democracy, and legal system. These ideas had a significant impact on Western civilization, and their influence is evident in the design of the Supreme Court.

Therefore, based on the connections between the architectural design of the United States Supreme Court and values shared with Greek culture, the answer to the question is D.