I need to create a list of power shifts, starting from the opening scene of Act I. It's supposed to follow the exchange of power throughout the play.

I'm having trouble knowing exactly who to include. For instance, in Scene I Act I - they would want the shift of power from Pompey to Caesar - right?

Does anyone know of a website that goes in depth with these power shifts - or lays them out? :) Thanks in advance.





Several ideas in here. Other teachers who have read this play more recently than I may have further suggestions.


who joins the plot because of Brutus?
who is the first to stab Caesar?
Who convinces Caesar to attend senate? Who wrote the history of julius Caesar?

Hey,ummm I don't even get what their talking about

list the reasons Brutus giver for killing Caesar

is cassius honestly opposed to tyranny?

To create a list of power shifts in Julius Caesar, you can start by analyzing the exchanges of power throughout the play. This can be done by identifying key characters and events that demonstrate a shift in power dynamics. Here are some suggestions to help you with your list and understanding of the play:

1. Scene I Act I: The shift of power from Pompey to Caesar. This refers to the transition of political power from one leader to another.

To find more information about power shifts in Julius Caesar, you can visit websites such as:
- gradesaver.com/classicnotes/julius_caesar/section7.html
- sparknotes.com/shakespeare/juliuscaesar/context.html
- sparknotes.com/shakespeare/juliuscaesar/section1.html

Alternatively, you can refer to educational resources like Wikipedia or consult other teachers who may have further suggestions.

Now, moving on to your additional questions:

1. Who joins the plot because of Brutus?
In the play, those who join the plot to assassinate Caesar because of Brutus include Cassius, Casca, Decius Brutus, Cinna, Metellus Cimber, and Trebonius.

2. Who is the first to stab Caesar?
Brutus is the first to stab Caesar during the assassination in Act III, Scene I.

3. Who convinces Caesar to attend the Senate?
Decius Brutus persuades Caesar to attend the Senate by interpreting Calphurnia's dream in a favorable light and convincing Caesar that it would be seen as cowardly to avoid going.

4. Who wrote the history of Julius Caesar?
Plutarch, a Greek biographer and historian, wrote a series of biographies called "Parallel Lives," which includes the life of Julius Caesar. His work is a significant historical source for the events and characters portrayed in Julius Caesar.

Finally, regarding Brutus's reasons for killing Caesar, there are several justifications he provides:
- Concern for the well-being of Rome and its citizens
- Fear of Caesar becoming a tyrant and ruling without constraints
- Belief that the assassination is a necessary sacrifice for the greater good of Rome
- Loyalty to the Roman Republic and the preservation of its values

I hope this explanation helps you with your task! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.