Using the expression 56xy + 5 -6x + y/20,find the following:

a. Find two sums.
b. find the terms of the expression.
c. find a product of two factors. Find the coefficient in the product.
d. Find the quotient.

This is to hard. Where do I start?

You start by

(a) noticing that you misspelled too
(b) reviewing your text so you know what the different words mean: sum, product, term, etc.

A sum is two terms separated by a + or - sign

56xy + 5 is a sum
5 - 6x is a sum

(b) Terms are separated by + and - signs. So, the terms are

56xy, 5, -6x and y/20

(c) -6x is the product of -6 and x. -6 is the coefficient, and x is the variable.

56xy is also a product of two factors: 56 and xy. But, xy is also a product, so 56xy is really a product of three factors.

(d) a quotient means division. y/20 is a quotient.

When dealing with polynomial expressions, it is important to understand the different components and terms present.

To start solving this problem, we'll break down the expression into its individual terms:

56xy + 5 - 6x + y/20

a. Finding Two Sums: A sum is the result of adding two or more terms together. In this expression, there are multiple sums. Let's identify them:
- The first sum: 56xy and 5
- The second sum: -6x and y/20

b. Finding the Terms: A term is an individual part of an expression that can be separated by addition or subtraction. The terms in this expression are:
- 56xy
- 5
- -6x
- y/20

c. Finding a Product of Two Factors: A product is the result of multiplying two or more terms together. In this expression, we don't have two terms that can be multiplied directly.

d. Finding the Quotient: A quotient is the result of dividing one term by another. In this expression, we don't have two terms that can be divided directly.

With this breakdown, you can now analyze this expression and solve any further questions or calculations based on the specific needs or objectives you have.

I understand that the given expression may seem overwhelming at first glance, but breaking it down into smaller components will make it easier to work with. Let's tackle each question step by step:

a. Finding two sums: In mathematics, a sum refers to the result of adding two or more numbers or expressions together. To find two sums in the given expression, you need to identify two sets of terms that can be added together.

For example, we can identify the following two sums:
1. 56xy - 6x (which are the terms that involve the variables x and y)
2. 5 + y/20 (which are the terms that do not involve x or y)

b. Finding the terms of the expression: In an algebraic expression, terms are separated by addition or subtraction signs. To identify the terms of an expression, look for the different sets of numbers, variables, or variables with exponents that are being added or subtracted.

From the given expression, the terms are:
- 56xy
- 5
- (-6x)
- y/20

c. Finding a product of two factors: A product refers to the result of multiplying two or more numbers or expressions together. To find a product of two factors within the given expression and determine the coefficient, you need to identify two sets of terms that are being multiplied.

For example, the product 56xy can be broken down into the factors 56 and xy. The coefficient in this case is 56, which is the numerical value multiplying the term xy.

d. Finding the quotient: A quotient refers to the result of dividing one number or expression by another. To find a quotient within the given expression, you need to identify two sets of terms that are being divided.

From the given expression, there is no explicit division operation or any terms that are being divided. Therefore, finding the quotient may not be applicable in this case.

Remember, breaking down complex expressions into smaller components can make it easier to understand and work with.