Serena paid $20.20 for 36 rulers and folders. She bought 16 more folders than rulers. If each folder cost $0.50 more than each ruler, how much did each folder cost?

rulers --- x

folders --- x+16

x + x+16 = 36
2x = 20
x = 10
y = 26

so she bought 10 rulers and 26 folders

cost of ruler --- y
cost of folder --- y + .5

10y + 26(y+ .5) = 20.20
10y + 26y + 13 = 20.20
36y = 7.2

y = 0.20

A ruler costs $0.20 and a folder costs $ 0.70

To find out how much each folder cost, we need to first determine the cost of each ruler.

Let's start by setting up some equations based on the given information.

Let's say the cost of each ruler is x dollars.

The number of rulers Serena bought is 36.
Therefore, the total cost of the rulers would be 36x dollars.

Now, let's consider the cost of each folder. We know that each folder costs $0.50 more than each ruler.

So, the cost of each folder would be x + $0.50.

The number of folders Serena bought is 16 more than the number of rulers.
So, the number of folders would be 36 + 16 = 52.

Therefore, the total cost of the folders would be 52(x + $0.50) dollars.

According to the information given in the problem, Serena paid $20.20 in total.

Now we can set up an equation:

36x + 52(x + $0.50) = $20.20

Let's solve this equation to find the value of x:

36x + 52x + 26 = $20.20

88x + 26 = $20.20

88x = $20.20 - $26

88x = -$5.80

x = (-$5.80) / 88

x ≈ -$0.066

Since x represents the cost of each ruler, it doesn't make sense to have a negative cost. Therefore, we made an error in setting up the equation.

Please check the given information again to ensure its accuracy.