Which of the following is not a reason why an early childhood teacher would choose to use a virtual field

trip over live, hands-on experience?

What are your choices, and what do you choose?

Apparently there are only good reasons to take field trips, although I wouldn't want to shepherd a bunch of preschoolers on an overnight plane trip to Paris.

LOL, Ms. Sue! Nor would I!

A. Teachers can control the content and adapt it for their specific group of children.

B. Web sites hosting pre-developed VFTs can close down or become unavailable.
C. It's better to use pre-developed VFTs in an early childhood setting over teacher developed VFTs.
D. Pre-developed FVTs can be easily edited and customized. ( I CHOOSE C)

Are these the choices for the question you originally posted?

One possible reason why an early childhood teacher might choose to use a virtual field trip over a live, hands-on experience is the lack of resources or opportunities for physical trips. However, your question asks for a reason that is NOT a factor in this decision.

To identify the option that does not fit, let's consider the reasons why a teacher might choose a virtual field trip instead of a live, hands-on experience:

1. Cost: Organizing and conducting live field trips can be expensive, requiring transportation, admission fees, and other expenses. In contrast, virtual field trips can often be accessed for free or at a lower cost.

2. Safety: Virtual field trips eliminate safety concerns associated with taking young children on outings to unfamiliar places. Teachers can ensure a controlled and secure learning environment within the classroom.

3. Accessibility: Some locations may be physically out of reach due to distance or other limitations. Virtual field trips can bring educational experiences to children who would otherwise miss out on exploring different places.

4. Variety of options: Virtual field trips offer a wide range of destinations that may not be possible to visit physically. Teachers can expose their students to diverse cultures, ecosystems, historical sites, or scientific phenomena, regardless of their geographical location.

Therefore, the option that does not align with the given reasons is the one that is untrue or does not provide a valid reason for choosing a virtual field trip over a live, hands-on experience.