Can I put this as a resolution even though it cause further conflict in a raisin in the sun?

My internal conflict is Walter Lee wants to be the man of house and provide for his family but can't because of his current position in life

My external conflict : Mama and Walter becaue she refuses to give the money to Walter on religious grounds and doesn't seem to think that his dream will be a success.

My resolution : well sort of. When Mama gives in to Walter and ands him the money because she can't stand to see him in pain . I think it kinda was a resolution because he finally got what he wanted until he decided to give all of it to his friend willy

As an external conflict in Walter's life, you are correct.

In the play "A Raisin in the Sun," Walter Lee's internal conflict is his desire to become the man of the house and provide for his family, which is hindered by his current position in life. His external conflict arises with Mama, who refuses to give him the money on religious grounds and doubts the success of his dream.

Regarding your question about whether this can be considered a resolution, it can be seen as a partial resolution of Walter's internal conflict. When Mama eventually gives in to Walter's plea and hands him the money, it temporarily satisfies his desire to fulfill his responsibilities. This can be seen as a resolution in the sense that he got what he wanted for a brief period.

However, it is important to note that this resolution is short-lived because Walter later chooses to give all the money to his friend Willy. This decision leads to further conflict and challenges Walter's growth and development as a character. So, while there is a momentary resolution, it ultimately leads to more conflict rather than a fully resolved situation.

To further explore the resolution in "A Raisin in the Sun," you may want to analyze the consequences of Walter's actions and the impact they have on the overall storyline. Consider the themes of dreams, family, and the challenges faced by African-American individuals during that time period.