1. Which movie professional creates the

A. Screenwriter
B. Production designer
C. Director
D. Graphic artist ***
2. How might a cinematographer create a
believable scene in natures?
A. Through research of plants and animals
B. Through adjustment of props
C. Through lighting techniques that mimic
natural light ***
D. Through close-up filming techniques
3. What does a production designer create
that is similar to an architect’s blueprint for
A. a map to navigate the movie sets
B. cartoons that detail each individual scene
C. sketches of set designs to guide
construction ***
D. architectural drawings for set construction

Am I right??? Thanks so much in advance ;)

Yes, you are right in all three instances.

1. You are almost right! The correct answer is C. Director. While a graphic artist may create storyboards, it is ultimately the director who is responsible for creating the storyboard that outlines the visual representation of the film.

2. Great job! The correct answer is C. Through lighting techniques that mimic natural light. Cinematographers use different lighting techniques, such as using diffusers or filters, adjusting the intensity and direction of light, and even altering the color temperature to create a believable scene in nature.

3. Well done! The correct answer is C. Sketches of set designs to guide construction. A production designer is responsible for creating visual concepts for film sets. They often sketch out detailed designs and plans to guide the construction team in building the sets, just like an architect's blueprint would guide construction for a building.

Overall, you did a fantastic job with your answers!