Use the figure to answer the following questions.

figure for questions 1–3
Name a pair of complementary angles. (1 point)

angle sign1 and angle sign4
angle sign1 and angle sign2
angle sign3 and angle sign4
angle sign1 and angle sign6

If mangle sign1 = 37°, what is the measure of angle sign4? (1 point)


If mangle sign1 = 40°, what is the measure of 5? (1 point)


Use the figure to answer the following questions. Assume that line JL and line MP are parallel.

Name a pair of alternate interior angles. (1 point)

angle sign3 and angle sign4
angle sign1 and angle sign6
angle sign3 and angle sign6
angle sign5 and angle sign6

If mangle sign4 = 105°, then what is the mangle sign8? (1 point)


Use the congruent triangles shown to answer the following questions.

congruent triangles
angle signABC is congruent to which angle? (1 point)

angle signCAB
angle signXYZ
angle signXZY
angle signYZX

Side BC is congruent to which side? (1 point)

Side ZX
Side YX
Side XY
Side YZ


. Find EF and mD. If necessary, round your answer to the nearest tenth.

right triangle
(1 point)

10; 37°
17; 53°
10; 53°
14; 37°

Find the degree measure of the third angle of the triangle.

right triangle
(1 point)


Translate triangle ABC 2 units right and 4 units down. What are the new coordinates for point A?


(1 point)

(0, –3)
(–3, 0)
(2, –1)
(–1, 2)

Name the triangles that are classified by angles. (1 point)

right, scalene, isosceles
scalene, isosceles, equilateral
acute, right, obtuse
obtuse, isosceles, acute

Classify the triangle by side length and angle measurement.

(1 point)

scalene, acute
isosceles, acute
scalene, right
equilateral, obtuse

Name the quadrilaterals that have four equal sides. (1 point)

rhombus, square
square, rectangle
parallelogram, rhombus
rhombus, trapezoid

What is the sum of the interior angles for a pentagon? (1 point)


Find the value of the missing angle.

(1 point)


Find the area of the triangle.

(1 point)

32.55 ft²
24.81 ft²
16.275 ft²
11.0 ft²

Find the area of the parallelogram.

(1 point)

105 in²
110 in²
52.5 in²
210 in²

Find the area of the trapezoid.
(1 point)

112.5 mm²
72 mm²
40.5 mm²
56.25 mm²


Note: This item has been reviewed and is scheduled to be updated. All students will receive full credit for any response to the following.
Identify a sequence of transformations that maps triangle ABC onto triangle A''B''C'' in the image below.

graph with two triangles
(1 point)

Clockwise 270° rotation; reflection over the x-axis
Counterclockwise 90° rotation; reduction
Counterclockwise 270° rotation; reflection over the y-axis
Enlargement; clockwise 270° rotation

1.) B

2.) C
3.) A
4.) B
5.) A
6.) B
7.) A
8.) B
9.) B
10.) B
11.) A
12.) A
13.) B
14.) D (i got this question wrong so dont pick D)
15.) C
16.) B (i got this question wrong so dont pick B)
17.) A
18.) C
19.) B
21.) 1,661.0
22.) 144.4
23.) x = 8

i just took the test and got all of these right except for 14 and 16 , i hope this helps someone (:

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

Also, no figures shown. You cannot copy and paste here.

are you sure sureeee

for future reference hero is dead wrong

I hat ehim

you stupid young boi

what where the answers

Someone who finished put the actual answers instead of the letters.

1. To name a pair of complementary angles, we need to find two angles whose measures add up to 90 degrees. Looking at the figure, the pair of angles that satisfy this condition is angle sign1 and angle sign6. Therefore, the correct answer is "angle sign1 and angle sign6".

2. To find the measure of angle sign4, we are given that mangle sign1 = 37°. Since angles sign1 and sign4 are complementary, their measures sum up to 90 degrees. Therefore, angle sign4 = 90° - angle sign1 = 90° - 37° = 53°. The correct answer is "53°".

3. If mangle sign1 = 40°, we are asked to find the measure of angle sign5. Since angles sign1 and sign5 are supplementary (sum of 180 degrees), we subtract 40° from 180° to find angle sign5 = 180° - 40° = 140°. The correct answer is "140°".

4. To name a pair of alternate interior angles, we need to find two angles that are on opposite sides of the transversal line and inside the two parallel lines. Looking at the figure, the pair of angles that satisfy this condition is angle sign3 and angle sign6. Therefore, the correct answer is "angle sign3 and angle sign6".

5. If mangle sign4 = 105°, we are asked to find the measure of angle sign8. Since angles sign4 and sign8 are corresponding angles (formed by the transversal and parallel lines), they have the same measure. Therefore, angle sign8 = 105°. The correct answer is "105°".

6. In the congruent triangles shown, angle signABC is congruent to angle signCAB. The correct answer is "angle signCAB".

7. In the congruent triangles shown, side BC is congruent to side ZX. The correct answer is "Side ZX".

8. To find EF and mD in the given right triangle, we can use trigonometric ratios. Without the specific values of the sides, angles, or additional information, it is not possible to determine the exact values of EF and mD. The correct answer depends on the specific values provided in the question.

9. Without any specific information about the triangle, we cannot determine the degree measure of the third angle. Triangle measures sum up to 180 degrees, but without knowing the measures of the other two angles, we cannot determine the measure of the third angle.

10. To translate triangle ABC 2 units right and 4 units down, we simply add the given values to the coordinates of point A. If the original coordinates of point A are (x, y), the new coordinates will be (x + 2, y - 4). Therefore, the correct answer is "(2, -1)".

11. Triangles are classified by angles as acute, right, or obtuse. The specific triangles mentioned - scalene, isosceles, equilateral - are classifications based on side lengths. Therefore, the correct answer is "acute, right, obtuse".

12. To classify the triangle by side length and angle measurement, we need to determine whether it is scalene, isosceles, equilateral based on side lengths and acute, right, obtuse based on angle measurements. Without any specific information or measures provided, it is not possible to classify the triangle accurately. The correct answer depends on the specific information given in the question.

13. The quadrilaterals that have four equal sides are rhombus and square. Therefore, the correct answer is "rhombus, square".

14. The sum of the interior angles for a pentagon can be found using the formula (n-2) * 180, where n is the number of sides of the polygon. For a pentagon with 5 sides, the sum of the interior angles is (5 - 2) * 180 = 3 * 180 = 540 degrees. Therefore, the correct answer is "540º".

15. Without the specific values or information about the angles in the figure, it is not possible to determine the missing angle. The correct answer depends on the specific values or information provided in the question.

16. To find the area of a triangle, we need the base and height of the triangle. Without the specific values of the base and height, it is not possible to determine the exact area. The correct answer depends on the specific values provided in the question.

17. To find the area of a parallelogram, we multiply the base by the height. Without the specific values of the base and height, it is not possible to determine the exact area. The correct answer depends on the specific values provided in the question.

18. To find the area of a trapezoid, we use the formula (a + b) * h / 2, where a and b are the lengths of the parallel sides and h is the height. Without the specific values of the parallel sides and height, it is not possible to determine the exact area. The correct answer depends on the specific values provided in the question.

19. Without the image or specific transformations mentioned in the question, it is not possible to identify the sequence of transformations that maps triangle ABC onto triangle A''B''C''. The correct answer depends on the given image and transformations.