Determine whether the description corresponds to an observational study or an experiment. Research is conducted to determine if there is a relation between kidney function in adults and childhood-onset diabetes.

observational study

what is the answer

To determine whether the description corresponds to an observational study or an experiment, we need to understand the key characteristics of each.

In an observational study, researchers observe and analyze data without intervening or manipulating variables. They look for relationships or correlations between variables but do not introduce any intervention or treatment. This type of study is mainly based on existing data or information collected through surveys, interviews, or observations.

On the other hand, an experiment involves the manipulation of variables by the researcher. They intentionally assign participants or subjects to different groups and apply a specific treatment or intervention to one group while keeping other factors constant. An experiment allows for establishing cause-and-effect relationships between variables.

In the given description, it seems like research is being conducted to determine if a relation between kidney function in adults and childhood-onset diabetes exists. Since there is no specific mention of intervention or manipulation of variables, and the research involves only observation and analysis of existing data, this description corresponds to an observational study. The researchers will likely analyze data related to kidney function and childhood-onset diabetes in adults, observing any relationship or correlation that may exist between the two variables.

Is there an independent variable being manipulated to see how it effects a dependent variable? If so, that would be an experiment.