want raptor flow chart for rolling a dice five times and the total com to 20.flow chat must show user how to play the game


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To create a Raptor flowchart for rolling a dice five times and reaching a total of 20, here is how you could design the flowchart to guide the user through the game:

1. Start: Begin the flowchart.

2. Initialize Variables: Set the variable "total" to 0 and "rollCount" to 0. These variables keep track of the current total and the number of rolls.

3. Roll the Dice: Generate a random number between 1 and 6 to simulate rolling a dice. Save the result in a variable called "rollValue".

4. Add Roll Value: Add the "rollValue" to the "total" variable.

5. Increment Roll Count: Increase the "rollCount" by 1.

6. Check if Total is 20: Compare if the "total" is equal to 20. If true, proceed to step 7. Otherwise, go to step 8.

7. Success: Display a message to the user that they have reached a total of 20 using five rolls. End the flowchart.

8. Check if Roll Count is 5: Compare if the "rollCount" is equal to 5. If true, proceed to step 9. Otherwise, go to step 3 to roll the dice again.

9. Failure: Display a message to the user that they have used all five rolls without reaching a total of 20. End the flowchart.

10. End: Terminate the flowchart.

By following this flowchart, the user can play the game by rolling a dice five times and aiming to reach a total of 20. They will keep rolling the dice until they either accumulate five rolls or reach the desired total.