John rolled a standard number cube 20 times. The cube landed on the number 3 six times. What is the experimental probability that John will roll a number 3 the next time he rolls the number cube? *


There are 12 girls and 8 boys in Mrs. Laterrade's LL. Each day, she randomly asks one student to take attendance. In 180 school days, which is the best prediction for the number of times that a student will be a girl? *


Gabe is doing a probability experiment. He is tossing a coin and spinning a spinner with 4 equal sections labeled 1 through 4. How many possible outcomes are there? *

A stack of index cards contains 3 yellow cards, 4 green cards, and 1 red card. Alexa will pull 3 cards from the stack, one at a time without looking. She will not replace a card before pulling the next card. What is the probability that she will draw a yellow card, then a green card, then a red card? Show all steps. *

John rolled a standard number cube 20 times. The cube landed on the number 3 six times. What is the experimental probability that John will roll a number 3 the next time he rolls the number cube? *


There are 12 girls and 8 boys in Mrs. Laterrade's LL. Each day, she randomly asks one student to take attendance. In 180 school days, which is the best prediction for the number of times that a student will be a girl? *


Gabe is doing a probability experiment. He is tossing a coin and spinning a spinner with 4 equal sections labeled 1 through 4. How many possible outcomes are there? *

Some selected ways to lower the priority of your question:

1. Multiple questions in the same post
2. Multiple questions in the same post of the same category
3. Multiple questions in the same post of the same category, and show no sign of any effort.
4. Multiple questions in the same post of the same category, show no sign of any effort, and do not explain what you don't understand.
5. Repeated posts of any or all of the above.

gabriel is doing a probability experiment. he is tossing a coin and spinning a spinner with 4 equal sections numbered from 1 to 4. how many possible outcomes are there?

To find the experimental probability that John will roll a number 3 on the next roll, you need to divide the number of times John rolled a 3 by the total number of rolls. In this case, John rolled a 3 six times out of 20 rolls. So the experimental probability is 6/20, which can be simplified to 3/10. Therefore, the answer is 3/10.

To predict the number of times a student will be a girl in Mrs. Laterrade's LL class, you can use the concept of probability. Since there are 12 girls and 8 boys in the class, the probability of randomly selecting a girl is 12/(12+8) = 12/20 = 3/5. To predict the number of times a student will be a girl in 180 school days, you can multiply the probability by the total number of days, which gives you (3/5) * 180 = 108. Therefore, the best prediction for the number of times a student will be a girl is 108.

To find the number of possible outcomes when tossing a coin and spinning a spinner with 4 equal sections, you can multiply the number of outcomes for each individual event. The coin toss has 2 possible outcomes (heads or tails), and the spinner has 4 possible outcomes (numbers 1-4). Multiplying these gives you 2 * 4 = 8 possible outcomes.

To find the probability of drawing a yellow card, then a green card, then a red card from a stack of index cards, you need to calculate the probability of each event happening and multiply them together.

To start, there are 8 cards in total (3 yellow, 4 green, and 1 red). If Alexa pulls cards without replacement, the total number of cards decreases with each draw.

First, the probability of drawing a yellow card on the first draw is 3 yellow cards out of 8 total cards. So the probability is 3/8.

Then, on the second draw, there are now 7 cards left with 2 yellow cards and 4 green cards. So the probability of drawing a green card is 4/7.

Finally, on the third draw, there are 6 cards left with 1 yellow card, 4 green cards, and 1 red card. So the probability of drawing a red card is 1/6.

To find the overall probability, you multiply the probabilities of each event together: (3/8) * (4/7) * (1/6) = 12/336 = 1/28.

Therefore, the probability that Alexa will draw a yellow card, then a green card, then a red card is 1/28.