Vertical climate zones have

A) Limited human settlement
B) enabled farmers to grow a variety of crops.
C) Provided rich materials
D)Secured nations in the region against attack.
I think B


can you go help me on the other one?

To determine the correct answer, let's analyze each option:

A) Limited human settlement: Vertical climate zones can indeed limit human settlement due to factors such as extreme temperatures, high altitudes, or inhospitable conditions.

B) Enabled farmers to grow a variety of crops: This statement is correct. Vertical climate zones, also known as altitudinal zones or vertical biomes, offer diverse climates at different elevations. These variations in temperature, precipitation, and sunlight allow farmers to grow a wide range of crops. Different crops thrive in specific temperature ranges, so farmers can take advantage of this by cultivating crops that are best suited to the particular climate zone.

C) Provided rich materials: This statement is not directly related to vertical climate zones. However, it is worth noting that certain climate zones, such as rainforests found in tropical zones, can provide rich materials in terms of biodiversity and natural resources.

D) Secured nations in the region against attack: This statement is not directly related to vertical climate zones. Climate zones alone do not determine a nation's security against attack but can indirectly influence it through factors such as geographical features or strategic advantages.

Based on the analysis above, the correct answer is B) Enabled farmers to grow a variety of crops.