Antonio has 15 pennies in his pocket. Five eighths of his coins are pennies. How many coins does Antonio have in his pocket.

(5/8)x = 15

x = 15 / (5/8)

x = 15 * (8/5)

x = 120 / 5

x = 24 coins

you sure there are 15 coins?

120 coins

To find the number of coins Antonio has in his pocket, we need to determine the total quantity of coins.

We know that five eighths of Antonio's coins are pennies. This means that 5/8 of the total number of coins equal 15 pennies.

To determine the total number of coins, we can set up a proportion:

(5/8) * total number of coins = 15 pennies

To isolate the total number of coins, we need to multiply both sides of the equation by the reciprocal of 5/8, which is 8/5:

(5/8) * total number of coins * (8/5) = 15 pennies * (8/5)

The left side of the equation simplifies to:

total number of coins = 15 pennies * (8/5) * (8/5)

Calculating the right side of the equation:

total number of coins = 15 * (64/25)
total number of coins = 960/25
total number of coins = 38.4

Since the total number of coins must be a whole number, we can conclude that Antonio has 38 coins in his pocket.