find the weight of lead pipe 3.5 m long the ext . diameter of the pipe is 2.4 cm and thickness of the pipe is 2 mm given 1 cm of lead weighs 10g

π(2.4^2-2.2^2)cm^2*350cm * 10g/cm^3 = 10.12 kg

To find the weight of the lead pipe, you need to calculate the volume of the pipe first, and then multiply it by the weight of 1 cm of lead.

First, let's calculate the inner diameter of the pipe by subtracting twice the thickness from the external diameter.

Inner diameter = external diameter - 2 * thickness

Inner diameter = 2.4 cm - 2 * 2 mm

Inner diameter = 2.4 cm - 4 mm

Inner diameter = 2.4 cm - 0.4 cm

Inner diameter = 2 cm

Now, let's calculate the cross-sectional area of the pipe.

Cross-sectional area = pi * ((external diameter / 2)^2 - (inner diameter / 2)^2)

Cross-sectional area = 3.14 * ((2.4 cm / 2)^2 - (2 cm / 2)^2)

Cross-sectional area = 3.14 * ((1.2 cm)^2 - (1 cm)^2)

Cross-sectional area = 3.14 * (1.44 cm^2 - 1 cm^2)

Cross-sectional area = 3.14 * 0.44 cm^2

Cross-sectional area = 1.3776 cm^2

Next, let's calculate the volume of the pipe by multiplying the cross-sectional area by the length.

Volume = cross-sectional area * length

Volume = 1.3776 cm^2 * 3.5 m

Before we calculate, we need to convert the length from meters to centimeters.

1 meter = 100 centimeters

So, the length in centimeters = 3.5 m * 100 cm/m

Length in centimeters = 350 cm

Now we can calculate the volume.

Volume = 1.3776 cm^2 * 350 cm

Volume = 482.16 cm^3

Finally, let's calculate the weight of the lead pipe by multiplying the volume by the weight of 1 cm of lead.

Weight = volume * weight of 1 cm of lead

Weight = 482.16 cm^3 * 10 g/cm

Weight = 4821.6 g

Therefore, the weight of the lead pipe is 4821.6 grams.