Write the word sentence as an equation.

The product of a number m and 2 is 8

6 less than a number t is 7

A number m increased by 5 is 7

8 is the quotient of a number g and 3

m + 5 = 7

g/3 = 8

To write the equation for "A number m increased by 5 is 7," we can represent the phrase "increased by" as addition. So, the equation is m + 5 = 7.

To write the equation for "8 is the quotient of a number g and 3," we can represent the word "quotient" as division. So, the equation is g divided by 3 equals 8. In mathematical notation, it would be g / 3 = 8.

write the quotient of -4 and a number, which is then increased by the product of -13 and the number?



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