7.   If you came to settle on present-day New York City in about 1650, it's most likely that you're of _______ descent. 

A. French
B. Swedish
C. Spanish
D. Dutch



Yes, D. Dutch is the correct answer. Here's how you can arrive at that answer:

To determine the answer, we need to understand the historical context of New York City in 1650. At that time, New York City was known as New Amsterdam and was a Dutch colony known as New Netherland. Understanding this historical context helps us identify the country of origin for the settlers during that period.

To confirm the answer, you can consider the following points:

1. The Dutch established New Amsterdam in 1626 as a trading post and later developed it into a colonial settlement. This historical fact suggests that the settlers in present-day New York City around 1650 were predominantly of Dutch descent.

2. The Dutch West India Company controlled New Netherland during this time. They actively recruited people from the Dutch Republic (present-day Netherlands) to settle in their colonies, which further supports the argument that the majority of settlers were Dutch.

3. The Dutch influence in the region is still evident today in the names of various landmarks and locations in and around New York City, such as Harlem, Staten Island, Brooklyn (originally Breuckelen), and Wall Street (originally de Waalstraat).

By considering these historical facts, we can confidently conclude that if you came to settle in present-day New York City around 1650, it is most likely that you are of Dutch descent.