Democratic Architecture

1) The Greek temple has often inspired the design of what type of American structure?


2) Why might a college choose to use Greek architectural elements such as columns when designing the central building on campus?

:Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of peace and love.
:Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of truth and knowledge.***
:Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of strength and beauty.
:Greek architecture symbolizes the pursuit of rebellion and resistance.

3) Which example best represents the use of optical illusions in Greek and Greek-inspired American architecture?

:Columns that are thinner at the bottom.
:Reliefs with cleverly hidden messages.
:Columns with intricately designed capitals.
:Columns that are thicker at the bottom.***


1. C

3. D

The real answers are


it's C B D I just took the test e,mma is wrong

C\B\D is correct

e,mma is right


CBD its 100% 3/3

lol cbd 🍃

cbd is correct! thanks