In de Broglie's equation


how do i rearrange to solve for mass

w = h/mv

multiply both sides by mv
wmv = mv*h/mv
wmv = h
Divide both sides by wv
wmv/wv = h/wv
m = h/wv

Well, if you want to rearrange the equation to solve for mass, you can start by multiplying both sides of the equation by mv:

w(mv) = h

Then, you can divide by w:

mv = h/w

Finally, divide both sides by v:

m = h/(wv)

And voila! You've solved for mass. Just keep in mind that in this equation, "w" represents wavelength, "h" is Planck's constant, "m" is mass, and "v" is velocity.

To rearrange de Broglie's equation w = h/mv to solve for mass (m), you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the equation: w = h/mv

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by m and v: w * mv = h

3. Rearrange the equation: mvw = h

4. Finally, divide both sides of the equation by vw to isolate the mass (m): m = h / (vw)

Therefore, the rearranged equation to solve for mass is m = h / (vw).

To rearrange de Broglie's equation to solve for mass (m), you need to isolate the mass term (m) on one side of the equation. Here is the step-by-step method:

1. Start with the equation: λ = h / (mv).

2. Multiply both sides of the equation by mv: (mv)λ = h.

3. Divide both sides of the equation by λ: mv = h / λ.

4. Finally, isolate the mass term (m) by dividing both sides of the equation by v: m = h / (vλ).

Now you have rearranged de Broglie's equation to solve for mass (m).