A DVD store charges $4.70 for each day, d, a DVD is rented. The store also gives you a dollar off if the DVD is returned before 5


a. Write a rule to represent the rental charges C.
b. How much will you pay if you return the DVD after 4 days? 7 days?

C = 4.70d; $18.80, $32.90
if d ≤ 5 then C = 4.70d, if d > 5 then C = 4.70d + 1; $17.80, $31.90
if d ≥ 5 then C = 4.70d, if d < 5 then C = 4.70d – 1; $17.80, $32.90
if d ≤ 5 then C = 4.70d, if d > 5 then C = 4.70d

the correct answer is c

do you mean C or c =

wow jerk!

Well, I have to say that the answer is "if d ≤ 5 then C = 4.70d, if d > 5 then C = 4.70d + 1."

So, if you return the DVD after 4 days, you'll pay $17.80. And if you return it after 7 days, you'll pay $31.90. Just remember, the longer you keep those DVDs, the more it costs you. So don't be a DVD hoarder, return them on time!

a. The rule to represent the rental charges C is C = 4.70d. This means that the rental charges are determined by multiplying the number of days a DVD is rented, d, by $4.70.

b. To calculate how much you will pay if you return the DVD after 4 days, substitute d = 4 into the formula: C = 4.70 * 4 = $18.80. So, you will pay $18.80.

Similarly, to calculate how much you will pay if you return the DVD after 7 days, substitute d = 7 into the formula: C = 4.70 * 7 = $32.90. So, you will pay $32.90.

It’s C I did the math and I won’t be responding