How do you write or say School Supplies in Spanish?

School Supplies in Spanish is....

Provisiones Escolares

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Usually you don't need to capitalize either "School Supplies" or "Provisiones Escolares." (school supplies & provisiones escolares)

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To write or say "School Supplies" in Spanish, you can use the term "Provisiones Escolares." This phrase translates directly and means the same thing as "School Supplies" in English.

If you want to write it, you would use the following phrase:
Provisiones Escolares

If you want to say it, you would pronounce it as follows:
Pro-vi-so-nes Es-co-la-res

Note that in Spanish, it is common to not capitalize each word in a phrase like "Provisiones Escolares" unless it is the beginning of a sentence. So, you would generally write it as "provisiones escolares" in lowercase letters.