What function is represented by the cost of cell phone service that charges abase amount plus $.20/min?


The function that represents the cost of cell phone service can be expressed as a linear equation. In this case, the base amount can be considered as the fixed cost, and the additional charge per minute can be thought of as the variable cost.

To determine the function, you need to define the variables. Let's denote the base amount as "b" (in dollars) and the number of minutes used as "m". The cost can then be calculated as the sum of the base amount and the additional charge per minute multiplied by the number of minutes used.

Therefore, the function (C) can be expressed as:
C = b + 0.20m

In this equation, C represents the cost of cell phone service, b is the base amount, and 0.20 represents the additional charge per minute. The variable m represents the number of minutes used.

By plugging in the appropriate values for b and m, you can evaluate the function to calculate the total cost of the cell phone service for any given number of minutes used.