In 3-4 sentences, identify how the geometric structure of NF3 is different than that of NF4+. Explain how the geometry affects the ability of the molecules to experience a dipole affect.

Draw the lewis structure of NF3 and not the lone pair. Draw the NF4^+ and note the absence of a lone pair. You may be more familiar with drawing NH3 vs NH4^+.

The geometric structure of NF3 is trigonal pyramidal, with the nitrogen atom at the center and three fluorine atoms positioned around it. On the other hand, NF4+ has a tetrahedral geometry, with four fluorine atoms surrounding the central nitrogen ion. This difference in geometry has implications for the polarity of the molecules. NF3 has a net dipole moment due to the unequal distribution of electron density caused by the lone pair on nitrogen and the electronegativity difference between nitrogen and fluorine. In contrast, NF4+ is nonpolar because the four fluorine atoms are symmetrically arranged around the central nitrogen ion, resulting in a cancelation of the dipole moments.