How do I solve for this:

F = Av^2/400, for v (force of wind on a sail).

F = Av^2/400

v^2 = 400F/A
v = 20√(F/A)

400F = Av^2

V = sqrt(400FA)
or = 20Sqrt(FA)

400F/A = Av^2

V = sqrt(400F/A)
or = 20Sqrt(F/A)

To solve for v in the equation F = Av^2/400, where F represents the force of wind on a sail, you can follow these steps:

1. Begin by multiplying both sides of the equation by 400 to remove the fraction, resulting in 400F = Av^2.

2. Next, divide both sides of the equation by A to isolate v^2. This yields (400F)/A = v^2.

3. To solve for v, take the square root of both sides of the equation. Remember that since v^2 is positive, the square root of v^2 is always positive or zero. This gives you √((400F)/A) = v.

So, v = √((400F)/A), where v represents the force of wind on a sail.