A particular ecosystem in Georgia can support a maximum population of 100 blubirds. Which of the following would allow 120 bluebirds to live together in this ecosystem?

-human activity disrupting the nesting habits of a preditor hawk
-flooding that decrease the local insects population
-fungus growth destroying cover vegetation
- floodingthat increases the wild cat poulation

In order to determine which of the following options would allow 120 bluebirds to live together in the ecosystem, let's evaluate each option and its impact on the bluebird population:

1) Human activity disrupting the nesting habits of a predator hawk: This option does not directly address the maximum population limit of bluebirds in the ecosystem. While disrupting the nesting habits of a predator hawk may provide some relief from predation for the bluebirds, it doesn't guarantee an increase in the maximum population limit of 100.

2) Flooding that decreases the local insect population: This option indirectly affects the bluebird population. Bluebirds primarily feed on insects, so a decrease in the local insect population might result in a decrease in the available food supply. This could lead to a decrease in the bluebird population rather than allowing it to exceed the maximum population limit.

3) Fungus growth destroying cover vegetation: This option focuses on the cover vegetation in the ecosystem. Cover vegetation provides shelter and nesting sites for bluebirds. If the fungus growth destroys the cover vegetation, it may reduce the available nesting sites and negatively impact the bluebird population. Therefore, this option is unlikely to support an increase in population.

4) Flooding that increases the wildcat population: This option involves an increase in the wildcat population due to flooding. Wildcats are predators that may prey on bluebirds. As a result, an increase in the wildcat population may pose a threat to the bluebird population, making it difficult for them to surpass the maximum population limit.

Based on the evaluation above, none of the given options would allow 120 bluebirds to live together in the ecosystem. It's important to consider factors such as food availability, nesting sites, and predation when analyzing the population dynamics of a particular species.

And your answer is?