Hola! SraJMcGin was helping me yesterday with my Spanish sentences,(which was very helpful). Could you please check these last two I had and see if I'm on the right track? Thank you so much! :)

Directions: Re-write the Spanish sentences in the present subjunctive.

1.) She does not doubt that we can study on Thursday.

My answer: Ella no duda de que podemos estudiar el jueves .

5.) It's unlikely that we go to school on Saturday.

My answer: Es poco probable que vamos a la escuela el sábado .

I've sent the link to this post to Sra. Please check back.

1. The "de" is not truly necesasary.

5. The speaker could decide to go either way depending upon just "how" probable it is!


Hola! I'd be happy to help you check your Spanish sentences and see if you're on the right track with the present subjunctive. Let's take a look:

1.) She does not doubt that we can study on Thursday.

Your answer: Ella no duda de que podemos estudiar el jueves.

Your answer is correct! In this sentence, the main clause "Ella no duda" (She does not doubt) triggers the subjunctive in the subordinate clause "que podemos estudiar" (that we can study). Since there's no change of subject, the verb "estudiar" remains as "podemos" in the indicative form. Well done!

5.) It's unlikely that we go to school on Saturday.

Your answer: Es poco probable que vamos a la escuela el sábado.

Your answer is incorrect. In this sentence, the expression "Es poco probable" (It's unlikely) triggers the use of the subjunctive in the subordinate clause "que vamos a la escuela" (that we go to school). To change the verb "ir" (to go) to the present subjunctive, you need to use the conjugation "vayamos" in the first person plural.

Corrected answer: Es poco probable que vayamos a la escuela el sábado.

Great job on the first sentence, and now the second one is also correct. Keep up the excellent work! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask. ¡Buena suerte!