In this addition each letter represents a digits. Different letters represent different digits.


EG. 4511 + 452=4963
5422 + 541 = 5963
Could you please explain how to do this question?

The correct answer is

I think to answer this question is to think logically and I think maybe there's some theorem on this

Looks to me as though there are in fact many possible solutions. Maybe the "correct" one is the smallest total.


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Problem have 250 solutions.

To solve this type of puzzle, you can use a method called cross-number solving. Here's how you can approach it step by step:

Step 1: Start with the units column (rightmost column) and find the sum of the corresponding digits. In this case, it is the 'S' and 'D' letters: S + D = E (because E is the rightmost digit in "LOVE"). Since E is not given, we put that aside for now.

Step 2: Move to the next column, which is the tens column. Add the corresponding letters: S + A + A = V (from "LASS" + "LAD" = "LOVE"). Again, V is not given, so we set it aside.

Step 3: Proceed to the hundreds column. Add the corresponding letters: L + L = O. So, O is not given.

Step 4: Move to the thousands column. Add the corresponding letters: L = L. In this case, L is given as 2.

Step 5: Now, you have identified the values for L and O. Create an equation using these values. In this case, the equation is 20 + 20 = O000. Since O cannot be 4 (because 20 + 20 = 40), it must be carried over to the next column. The equation becomes 20 + 20 + 1 (carry over) = 1O00.

Step 6: Now, move back to the units column and consider the carried over digit. In this case, it is 1. Add it to the sum of S and D: S + D + 1 = E. Since E is not given, we put it aside.

Step 7: Proceed to the tens column. Add the corresponding letters: S + A + A = V + carry over (1 from the previous step). Again, V is not given, so we set it aside.

Step 8: Continue to the hundreds column. Add the corresponding letters: L + L + carry over (1 from the previous step) = O. We already know O is 0, so no carry over is needed.

Step 9: Move to the thousands column. Add the corresponding letters: L + carry over (1 from the previous step) = L. We know L is 2, so there is no carry over.

Step 10: Now that you have determined the values for L and O, create an equation using these values: 2 + 1 (carry over) = O000. Since O cannot be 3 (because 2 + 1 = 3), it must be carried over to the next column. The equation becomes 2 + 1 (carry over) = 1O000.

Step 11: Again, move back to the units column and consider the carried over digit. In this case, it is 1. Add it to the sum of S and D: S + D + 1 = E. We already know that E is 3.

Step 12: Proceed to the tens column. Add the corresponding letters: S + A + A = V + carry over (1 from the previous step). V is already known to be 6 (from "LOVE" = 2678).

Step 13: Move to the hundreds column. Add the corresponding letters: L + L + carry over (1 from the previous step) = O. We already know O is 0.

Step 14: Finally, move to the thousands column. Add the corresponding letters: L + carry over (1 from the previous step) = L. We already know L is 2.

Therefore, the solution is 2433 + 245 = 2678.