A student athlete runs 3 1_

3 miles in
30 minutes. A professional runner can run
1 1_
4 times as far in 30 minutes. How far can
the professional runner run in 30 minutes?

3 1/3 = 10/3

1 1/4 = 5/4

10/3 * 5/4 = 50/12 = 25/6 = 4 1/6 miles

(3+1/3) * (1+1/4) = 10/3 * 5/4 = 25/6 = 4 1/6

4 1/6

To find out how far the professional runner can run in 30 minutes, we need to calculate the distance covered by the student athlete in 30 minutes and then multiply it by 1 1/4.

The student athlete runs 3 1/3 miles in 30 minutes. To calculate the distance covered by the student athlete in 30 minutes, we need to convert the mixed number to an improper fraction.

To convert the mixed number 3 1/3 to an improper fraction, we multiply the whole number by the denominator (3 * 3 = 9) and then add the numerator (9 + 1 = 10). We then write the sum as the numerator over the denominator (10/3).

So, the student athlete runs 10/3 miles in 30 minutes.

Now, to find out how far the professional runner can run in 30 minutes, we need to multiply the distance covered by the student athlete (10/3 miles) by 1 1/4.

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators together (10 * 1 = 10) and then multiply the denominators together (3 * 4 = 12). We then write the product as the numerator over the product of the denominators (10/12).

We can simplify this fraction by dividing the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 2. Dividing 10 by 2 gives us 5, and dividing 12 by 2 gives us 6.

So, the professional runner can run 5/6 of a mile in 30 minutes.

Therefore, the professional runner can run 5/6 of a mile in 30 minutes.