what are the respective strengths of WTLC(workers) and the opponents (management) in the Winnipeg general strike?


that link is just google

Yes. It shows many articles about this strike. You might want to start with the Wikipedia article.

The respective strengths of WTLC (Workers) and the opponents (Management) in the Winnipeg General Strike can be understood by examining the factors that contributed to each side's power dynamics. Here's how you can analyze their strengths:

1. Organizational Strength:
- WTLC: The Winnipeg Trades and Labor Council (WTLC) had a strong organizational structure, representing various unions and a large number of workers across different industries. This allowed them to mobilize a significant number of workers during the strike.
- Management: The employers, collectively referred to as "Management" in this context, had their own organization, the Citizens' Committee of One Thousand. This committee represented various employers and had influential members in the business community, giving them a degree of organizational strength.

2. Numbers:
- WTLC: The WTLC was able to rally approximately 30,000 workers during the strike, making it a considerable force. This large number of participants demonstrated the widespread support for the strike among workers.
- Management: The employers, on the other hand, had control over the means of production, which meant they had access to resources and capital that could be used against the striking workers. However, they did not have a large workforce to directly counter the striking workers.

3. Unity and Solidarity:
- WTLC: The workers' strength lay in their unity and solidarity. They were able to coordinate their efforts and act collectively in demanding better wages, improved working conditions, and the right to collective bargaining.
- Management: The employers' strength lay in their ability to stick together as a unified group. They were determined to resist the workers' demands and were supported by the government, media, and some sections of the public, which further bolstered their position.

4. Government Support:
- WTLC: The workers faced opposition from the government, which attempted to suppress the strike by using force and implementing policies against them. However, it's important to note that the strength of government support was not in favor of the workers.
- Management: The employers received support from the government, which was largely aligned with the interests of the business community. The government backed the employers by deploying police and military forces to maintain order and break up the strike, siding with the employers and undermining the workers' strength.

By considering these factors, you can understand the contrasting strengths of WTLC (Workers) and Management (opponents) during the Winnipeg General Strike.