what is the prepositional phrase in the following sentence?

the food and the extra water were kept in the storage cabinet

A)the food
B)and extra water
C)were kept
D)in the storage cabinet

I think its D. Somebody pls help me WriteTeacher or Ms Sue or just somebody help me please

Here are the answers

1. A, C

2. She is rude on the outside but nice on the inside and regrets what she does, but fears being made fun of if she's serious (Put it in your own words, don't copy me)

3. D.

4. A

5. B.

6. A.

7. D.

8. C.

9. I can't help you on that one, sorry

This gave a 100% if you're from 8th grade Connexus. Trust me, I would never want to purposely mess you guys up.

Your Welcome

Dogs are pretty smart, Dingus

Yes, it's D.

Oh and thank you to all that give us the correct answers god bless you all

I find it so funny that everyone is saying rude this about Ms. Sue, but she and others created this website. You wouldn't have these "free" answers without these awesome homework helpers. All I'm saying is try to be a little nicer? Sometimes she might be a bit rude but that doesn't mean to be start WWIII over it xD

For connections academy in the class intro to computer science lesson 2 unit five the answers are

1 B
2 C
3 A
4 A

I agree with you. I bet Ms. Sue will agree too.

Thank you so much john and Write Teacher. Could you help me with a few more please.

In which sentence does the prepositional phrase act as an adverb? is it b

A)Last evening, Anne suffered from a headache.
B)The door to the attic was left open.
C)Mr. Frank discussed the problem of noise in the annex.
D)He bought a drink for Mr. Dussel.

You're welcome.

Yes, please post your other questions and answers.