Assignment 33 discusses a natural way to reinforce science process skills and introduces the scientific

method. This strategy, especially appropriate for primary grades, is to have children do which of the
A. Begin a collection
B. Manipulate objects
C. Observe
D. Go on field trips

my answer is b.

or c.

What does Assignment 33 say?

Well -- which is it?

it macks the point on both of my answer.

But I tent to go with b.

I understood is c.

thanks Ms.Sue

Yes. C. The first principle is to observe carefully.

You're welcome.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and review the information given.

The question asks what activity is especially appropriate for primary grades as a way to reinforce science process skills and introduce the scientific method. The answer choices are:

A. Begin a collection
B. Manipulate objects
C. Observe
D. Go on field trips

Now, let's analyze each answer choice to determine the best option:

A. Begin a collection: While collecting objects can be a fun and engaging activity, it may not directly reinforce science process skills or introduce the scientific method. Therefore, this may not be the best answer choice.

B. Manipulate objects: This answer choice involves actively interacting with objects, which can help children develop important science process skills such as observation, experimentation, and data collection. The scientific method often involves manipulating variables to test hypotheses. Therefore, this is a plausible answer choice.

C. Observe: Observation is a fundamental skill in the scientific method as it involves careful examination and noting of details. However, it may not be the most comprehensive activity to reinforce science process skills. Therefore, this answer choice may not be as strong as option B.

D. Go on field trips: Field trips can be a valuable learning experience for students, allowing them to engage with the real world and witness scientific phenomena firsthand. However, it may not directly reinforce science process skills or introduce the scientific method as explicitly as option B.

Based on the analysis above, the most appropriate answer is B. Manipulate objects. This activity provides children with hands-on experience and opportunities to explore scientific concepts through experimentation, making it an effective strategy for reinforcing science process skills and introducing the scientific method, especially for primary grades.