Thank you Ms. Sue. I need help with this problem. The surface of Jupiter is made of colorful clouds created by various chemicals in the atmosphere. The temperature at the top of the clouds is -230 degrees F. The temperature below the clouds is 70 degrees F. Which temperature has the lower absolute value?

To determine which temperature has the lower absolute value, we need to look at the magnitude or distance from zero on a number line. The absolute value of a number is always positive or zero.

In this case, we need to find the absolute values of -230 degrees Fahrenheit and 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

1. Absolute value of -230 degrees Fahrenheit:
|-230| = 230

2. Absolute value of 70 degrees Fahrenheit:
|70| = 70

Comparing the absolute values, we can see that the absolute value of -230 degrees Fahrenheit is greater than the absolute value of 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, the temperature at the top of the clouds (-230 degrees Fahrenheit) has the lower absolute value.

To find out which temperature has the lower absolute value, you need to determine the absolute values of both temperatures and compare them.

To calculate the absolute value of a number, you remove the negative sign (if it exists) and consider only the positive value.

Let's calculate the absolute values of the given temperatures:

1. Temperature at the top of the clouds: -230 degrees F
- The absolute value of -230 degrees is 230 degrees.

2. Temperature below the clouds: 70 degrees F
- The absolute value of 70 degrees is also 70 degrees.

Now, compare the absolute values:
- Absolute value of -230 degrees: 230 degrees
- Absolute value of 70 degrees: 70 degrees

From the comparison, it is clear that the absolute value of 70 degrees is lower than the absolute value of -230 degrees. Therefore, the temperature below the clouds (70 degrees) has the lower absolute value.

-230 this is because any numbers absolute value is that number with nothing els so a negitive is not a negitive it is positive and a positive is still positive