Progressives wished to put an end to industrial capitalism, and move rapidly toward socialism.

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I disagree. Progressives wanted to REGULATE industrial capitalism, not end it. There was a socialist movement at the time, but that was not "Progressivism."

To determine the answer, we need to understand the beliefs and goals of progressives during the early 20th century. Progressives were a diverse group of reformers who sought to address social, economic, and political issues in American society. While they advocated for various reforms, including the regulation of big business and the improvement of working conditions, it is not accurate to say that their goal was to put an end to industrial capitalism and move rapidly toward socialism.

Progressives generally favored a more active role for government intervention and regulation in order to address the negative effects of industrial capitalism. However, their primary aim was not to completely dismantle capitalism or establish a socialist system. Instead, they sought to make capitalism more equitable and to address the social and economic problems created by unregulated capitalism.

Therefore, the statement "Progressives wished to put an end to industrial capitalism and move rapidly toward socialism" is false.