Nokia school day last 7 hours and 20 minutes how many minutes does Nikki's school day last explain how you found the answer

There's 60 minutes in an hour, right? So convert 7 hours into minutes (7 * 60) and add the 20 minutes to that.

420 + 20 = 440 minutes in her school day.

Niki school day lasts 7 hours and 20 minutes

To find how many minutes Nikki's school day lasts, we need to convert the hours and minutes into minutes.

Given that the school day lasts 7 hours and 20 minutes, we can calculate it as follows:

1. Convert 7 hours into minutes:
7 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 420 minutes

2. Add the 20 minutes to the total:
420 minutes + 20 minutes = 440 minutes

Therefore, Nikki's school day lasts 440 minutes.

To find the answer, we multiplied the number of hours by 60, which is the number of minutes in an hour, and then added the remaining minutes to get the final answer.

(7 * 60) + 20 = ________ minutes