If you got paid $15 for 3 hours of work one day and $45 for 8 hours work on another day. Find your hourly rate of pay for the 2 days.

My work:
What was done wrong?

It looks right to me.

Looks ok to me, that is the average hourly rate.

Peraps the teacher is looking for the daily average rate of pay.
first day=15/3=5 dollars/hr
second day=45/8=5.5.63/hr

avg daily rate: add them, divide by two.

In your calculation, you added the total wages earned on both days correctly ($15 + $45 = $60). However, you made an error while adding the total hours worked. Instead of adding the total hours worked on each day (3 + 8 = 11), you added them together as 8 + 3 = 11, which is incorrect.

To find the hourly rate of pay, you need to divide the total wages earned ($60) by the total hours worked (11). So, the correct calculation would be:

Hourly rate = Total wages earned / Total hours worked
Hourly rate = $60 / 11
Hourly rate ≈ $5.45