a morally autonomous person is one who is kind to others because.

a will be rewarded for being respecful
b. has personal feelings of respect for others
c. will have a negative consequences for not respecting others
d. naturally learn the skills during the first two years of life

I chose B


To determine the correct choice in this scenario, it's important to understand the concept of moral autonomy and what motivates a person to be kind to others.

Moral autonomy refers to the capacity of an individual to make moral choices and act in accordance with their own values and principles. A morally autonomous person exercises their own judgement and does not rely solely on external rewards or punishment.

So, let's evaluate each option based on this understanding:

a) A will be rewarded for being respectful: This option suggests that the person is kind to others because they expect some form of reward for their behavior. However, in the context of moral autonomy, one should not be motivated by external incentives. So, we can eliminate option A.

b) Has personal feelings of respect for others: This option suggests that the person is kind to others because they genuinely feel respect towards them. This aligns with the idea of moral autonomy, as the individual acts based on their own internal convictions. This option is a viable choice.

c) Will have negative consequences for not respecting others: This option suggests that the person is kind to others out of fear of negative consequences if they don't. However, moral autonomy implies acting according to one's own values and principles, not out of fear of punishment. Therefore, we can eliminate option C.

d) Naturally learn the skills during the first two years of life: This option pertains to the development of social skills during the early stages of life, but it doesn't necessarily explain why a person would be kind to others out of moral autonomy. Thus, we can eliminate option D.

Hence, based on the given options, option B - "Has personal feelings of respect for others" - seems to be the most fitting answer for a morally autonomous person who is kind to others.