I need help understanding how to answer a question for example like Escribe el pronombre para este adjetivo y sustantivo. I'm having trobule understanding what it wants me to do and how do do it.

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.

Here's a guess, if you have no example/model to follow. You could be studying demonstratives like este, ese, aquel. If you see something like "este libro" (this book), the pronoun would be "éste. " How is my guess?

It's good to begin with the instructions/directions but also the example/model if there is one.

I'll flag this and come back later to see if you have further questions.


thanks for the help

If you post what you do, I'll be glad to proofread it for you.


To understand how to answer the question "Escribe el pronombre para este adjetivo y sustantivo" in Spanish, let's break it down step by step:

1. "Escribe": This is the imperative (command) form of the verb "escribir," which means "to write." So, the instruction is to write something.

2. "el pronombre": This means "the pronoun." In Spanish, pronouns are words used to replace nouns, such as "I," "you," "he," "she," etc.

3. "para": This means "for" in English. It indicates the purpose or target of the action.

4. "este adjetivo y sustantivo": Here we have "este," which means "this," followed by "adjetivo" and "sustantivo," which mean "adjective" and "noun," respectively. This part is asking for a pronoun that corresponds to both an adjective and a noun.

To answer this question, you need to select a pronoun that agrees in gender and number with the given adjective and noun. In Spanish, pronouns must match the gender (masculine/feminine) and number (singular/plural) of the noun they replace.

For example, if the adjective were "alto" (masculine singular) and the noun were "hombre" (masculine singular), the corresponding pronoun would be "él" (he), as it matches the gender and number.

To correctly answer the question, you would write the appropriate pronoun that agrees with the gender and number of the given adjective and noun.

It's important to review and learn the different pronouns in Spanish, along with their gender and number forms, in order to effectively complete this type of question. Practice with various examples to become more familiar with using pronouns correctly.