13 1/3 divided by 22 1/2

Change them either to improper fractions or to decimals.


13.33333/22.5 = ?


To divide mixed numbers, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed numbers to improper fractions.
13 1/3 is equivalent to (13 * 3 + 1) / 3 = 40/3
22 1/2 is equivalent to (22 * 2 + 1) / 2 = 45/2

Step 2: Invert the divisor (the second fraction).
In this case, the divisor is 45/2. To invert it, you swap the numerator and denominator, making it 2/45.

Step 3: Multiply the dividend (the first fraction) by the inverted divisor.
Multiply 40/3 by 2/45:
(40/3) * (2/45) = (40 * 2) / (3 * 45) = 80/135

Step 4: Simplify the result if possible.
You can simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, then dividing both by it.
The GCD of 80 and 135 is 5, so divide both:

80 รท 5 = 16
135 รท 5 = 27

Therefore, 80/135 simplifies to 16/27.

So, 13 1/3 divided by 22 1/2 equals 16/27.