A person's trip from the city to his cabin in the mountains was 229.6 miles. If his car used 4.5 gallons of gas for the trip, estimate the number of miles his car gets to the gallon

230/5 = 46 mpg

To estimate the number of miles the car gets to the gallon, we can use the formula:

Miles per gallon = Total miles / Total gallons

In this case, the total miles is given as 229.6 miles and the total gallons used is 4.5 gallons.

So, the estimated number of miles his car gets to the gallon is:

Miles per gallon = 229.6 miles / 4.5 gallons

To calculate this, we can divide 229.6 by 4.5:

Miles per gallon = 51.02 miles per gallon

Therefore, the estimated number of miles his car gets to the gallon is approximately 51.02 miles per gallon.