where do you look up context clues to the meaning of a word

You should be able to discern the meaning of an unknown word by reading and comprehending the rest of thee sentence plus the sentences before and after.

Okay thank u Ms.Sue and are u a real techer

Yes, Sophie

To look up context clues for the meaning of a word, you can follow these steps:

1. Read the surrounding sentences: Start by examining the words and sentences around the word in question. Look for any hints or information provided that might give you a clue about the word's meaning. Notice any synonyms, antonyms, or explanations that can help you understand the word better.

2. Identify word relationships: Pay attention to how the word interacts with other words in the sentence. Consider whether it contrasts with another word or relates to a specific topic or concept. These relationships can provide valuable context for understanding the word's meaning.

3. Analyze prefixes, suffixes, and root words: Break down the word into its component parts and examine any prefixes, suffixes, or root words. This can help you grasp the word's origin and potentially figure out its meaning based on your knowledge of these word parts.

4. Use a dictionary or online resources: If you are still unsure about the word's meaning, consult a dictionary or online resources. Look for reputable sources such as Merriam-Webster or Oxford English Dictionary. Online platforms like WordReference or Dictionary.com can also provide definitions, synonyms, antonyms, and usage examples.

5. Read further in the text: If the word appears in a longer passage or article, continue reading to see if there are any additional clues to its meaning. Sometimes, an author may provide further explanations or use the word in a way that makes its meaning clearer as you progress through the text.

Remember, understanding the context of a word involves careful analysis and blending different sources of information. Practice and exposure to a wide range of texts will also enhance your ability to identify and interpret context clues effectively.