What could I use as a memory clue (or picture) for the following words?

Def. To force out.

Def. Demand, or urgently ask for something for military needs.

You could make up a sentence -- the sillier the better. Example: We evicted the mice from their warm, cozy home in our garage. Or you could draw a picture of someone kicking someone out the door.


You're welcome.

To create memory clues or pictures for words like "evicted" and "requisitioned," you can follow a few simple steps:

1. Understand the Definition: Make sure you have a clear understanding of the word's meaning. For "evicted," it means to force someone out, while "requisitioned" means to demand or urgently ask for something, particularly for military needs.

2. Visualize the Action: Try to imagine a scenario or visualize the action associated with the word. For "evicted," you can imagine someone being forcefully removed from their home by a large hand pushing them out of the door. This visual image represents the act of being forced out.

3. Connect the Image to the Definition: Associate the image you created with the definition of the word. The visual of someone being pushed out of their home helps reinforce the idea of "evicted" as being forced out.

4. Mnemonic Techniques: Consider using mnemonic techniques to remember the imagery. For example, you can create a sentence like "The hand of eviction pushes people out," or you can create an acronym like E.V.I.C.T. where each letter represents an aspect of the mnemonic image you created.

For "requisitioned," imagine a military officer urgently demanding supplies by holding a sign that says "I NEED SUPPLIES NOW!" The visual of a military officer with a sign requesting something urgently represents the idea of "requisitioned."

Remember, the key is to create a vivid and memorable image that connects to the word's definition, making it easier to recall the word and its meaning in the future.