Like newspapers, magazines have been similarly affected by the Internet in which of the following ways?

Employees are enjoying more free time because the technology has made them more efficient.

Libel suits are more prevalent because people have more access to negative news that is being published about them.

Their revenue has decreased and subscriptions are waning.

They have to pay for insurance against hackers.

A or C

In addition to a strong point of view, a well-crafted review is reliant on which of the following?

a book, painting or film that holds the audience's attention and isn't offensive

a publication that has a good team of lawyers in case the author, artist or filmmaker sues

a clever headline and nicely presented layout

the reviewer's comprehensive body of knowledge and expertise in the genre

not sure

One of your answers to the first question is correct.

Check your text for the answer to the second question.

ima go with C and for the second D

You're right now.

To get the answer to the first question, you would need to understand the impact of the Internet on newspapers and magazines. Here are the steps:

1. Research the effects of the Internet on newspapers and magazines. Look for information on the changes in their employees' free time, the prevalence of libel suits, the impact on revenue and subscriptions, and the need for insurance against hackers.

2. Analyze the information you find. Determine whether employees are enjoying more free time due to increased efficiency, whether libel suits are more prevalent, and whether revenue has decreased and subscriptions are waning. Also, check if the need for insurance against hackers is a direct result of the Internet's impact.

3. Based on your analysis, identify the ways in which magazines have been similarly affected by the Internet. Choose option A or C, depending on the information you found.

For the second question, you need to understand the components of a well-crafted review. Here are the steps:

1. Understand the purpose of a review and what makes it effective. Consider elements like a strong point of view, engaging content, and professionalism.

2. Evaluate the provided options: a book, painting, or film that holds the audience's attention and isn't offensive, a publication with a good legal team, a clever headline and nicely presented layout, and the reviewer's comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the genre.

3. Determine which option(s) align with the components of a well-crafted review. Look for options that emphasize engagement, professionalism, and expertise.

4. Choose the option that best fits the criteria. If none of the provided options seem suitable, select "not sure."