A Major League Baseball team has won 15 of its first 27 games. The team will play 162 games. At its current rate of winning, how many games will the team win?

15/27 ratio should be the same as win/162

15/27 reduces to 5/9 which will make the math a little easier. Can you finish it from here?

5/9 = win/162

15/27 = x/162

Cross multiply and solve for x.

27x = 2,430

x = 90

To find out how many games the team will win at its current rate, we need to determine the average number of games won per game played.

We can start by calculating the average number of games won per game played so far. The team has won 15 out of 27 games, so:

Average number of games won per game played = Total games won / Total games played
= 15 / 27

Now, we can find the average winning rate by dividing the total games won by the total games played:

Average winning rate = Total games won / Total games played
= 15 / 27

To determine how many games the team will win out of the 162 games they will play, we can multiply the average winning rate by the total games:

Predicted number of games won = Average winning rate * Total games played
= (15 / 27) * 162

Now, we can calculate the predicted number of games won:

Predicted number of games won = (15 / 27) * 162

Simplifying the expression:

Predicted number of games won = 90

Therefore, at its current rate of winning, the team is predicted to win 90 games out of the 162 games they will play.