1.Under the Library of Congress system,where would you begin to search for books on the legal system of Greece?


2.If a source is reasonable,we know
A.The information offered up-to-date,factual detailed,and precise.
[B.We can trust and believe author.]
C.the information offered is fair,balance,was to believe,and consistent
D.the information is universally accepted.

3.In searching an online catalog for books by James Joyce,which of the following searches would be most effective?A.Title of one of his books
B.The name of his publishing company
C.The year he was born
[D.The author's name ]

4.You have found an article in The Reader's Guide that you want to locate.What information would be least important in finding it?A.Title of the article
B.Volume and page numbers
C.Subject heading
[D.Author's name]

5.You've located three books on a topic you're researching for an essay.The first thing you should do in determining if any of these books will be useful is
A.browse each book front to back.
[B.examine the index of each book]
C.study the table of contents carefully in each book
D.inspect each book for notes about the author

I don't know #1. #2, I'd go with A. #3 is correct. #4, I'd think the author's name is important. #5, I'd vote for C.

On question 4, if you have already found the articles in Readers' Guide, you already know the subject.

1. K for Law according to the Library of Congress. U for Military Service... E for History of Americas...and G for Geography, Anthropology, and Recreation.

1. To search for books on the legal system of Greece using the Library of Congress system, you would begin by looking under the letter D.

Explanation: The Library of Congress uses a classification system called the Library of Congress Classification (LCC). It assigns a call number to each book based on its subject matter. Under this system, books on law are typically classified under the letter K, but for books specifically on the legal system of Greece, you would look under the letter D.

2. If a source is reasonable, we know that we can trust and believe the author.

Explanation: When a source is considered reasonable, it means that the information provided is trustworthy and reliable. This includes being up-to-date, factual, detailed, and precise. Therefore, we can infer that we can trust and believe the author of a reasonable source.

3. In searching an online catalog for books by James Joyce, the most effective search would involve using the author's name.

Explanation: When searching for books by a specific author, the most effective approach is usually to search directly using the author's name. Using other options such as the title of one of his books, the name of his publishing company, or the year he was born may not yield accurate results as books by the same author can have various titles, publishing companies, and publication dates.

4. When trying to locate an article in The Reader's Guide, the least important information for finding it would be the author's name.

Explanation: The Reader's Guide is a periodical index that lists articles by subject and title, rather than by author. Therefore, the author's name would be the least important piece of information for finding a specific article in The Reader's Guide. The title of the article, volume and page numbers, and subject heading would be more relevant for locating it.

5. When determining if any of the three books you located will be useful for your research essay, the first thing you should do is examine the index of each book.

Explanation: The index of a book provides a comprehensive list of the topics and subtopics covered within it. By examining the index of each book, you can quickly assess whether the topics that you are researching for your essay are covered in any of the books. This helps you narrow down your selection and determine if any of the books will be useful for your research.