To match figures with corresponding silhouettes, children need to develop the concept of

A. spatial relations.
B. graphing.
C. symbols.
D. measurement.

my answer is c.


thanks Ms.Sue

You're welcome, Lauren.

To determine the correct answer to this question, let's analyze the options and understand the concepts associated with each choice:

A. Spatial relations: Spatial relations refer to the understanding of how objects are positioned in relation to each other. While this concept is important for tasks such as matching figures with corresponding silhouettes, it is not the main concept being developed in this particular case.

B. Graphing: Graphing involves representing data using graphs and charts. This concept is not directly related to matching figures with corresponding silhouettes.

C. Symbols: Symbols are visual representations that are used to convey meaning or represent objects. Matching figures with corresponding silhouettes does involve recognizing and understanding symbols, as the silhouettes can be seen as symbolically representing the figures. Therefore, the concept of symbols is relevant to this question.

D. Measurement: Measurement refers to the process of assigning numbers to objects or events based on a specific metric. While measurement may be indirectly related to matching figures with corresponding silhouettes in terms of comparing sizes, it is not the main concept being developed in this case.

Considering the above discussion, your answer of C. symbols is correct. The ability to recognize and understand symbols is essential for children to match figures with corresponding silhouettes.