will medal and fan

graph the following table
x y
1 8
2 35
3 62
4 89


I don't understand "will medal and fan".

the graphing is easy.

Lay out x, y.
run x from zero to five
run y from zero to 100

plot the points.

but my graph is different its complicated i cant show you on here

huh? how complicated can it be to plot four points and connect them?

To graph the table, you need to plot the given points on a coordinate plane. Each number in the first column represents the x-coordinate, and the corresponding number in the second column represents the y-coordinate.

Here's how you can graph the given table:

1. Set up a coordinate plane with a horizontal x-axis and a vertical y-axis.
2. Label the x-axis and y-axis with appropriate values based on the range of the given data. In this case, you can label the x-axis from 0 to 5 (since the maximum x-value is 4) and the y-axis from 0 to 100 (since the maximum y-value is 89).
3. Start with the first data point, (1, 8). Plot a point on the coordinate plane at x = 1 and y = 8.
4. Move to the next data point, (2, 35). Plot a point on the coordinate plane at x = 2 and y = 35.
5. Continue this process for the remaining data points: (3, 62) and (4, 89).

After plotting all the points, connect them with a smooth line or curve. Since there are only four points provided, you can assume that the data represents a nonlinear relationship, and thus the graph might not be a straight line.

Once you have plotted the points and connected them, you will have the graph of the given table.