My age group is 12 years of age.

What level and stage he or she is at developmentally, and list some characteristics demonstrating the nature of their age. I need some help, PRETTY PLEASE!!!

Check these sites.

No problem! I can help you with that. At the age of 12, a child is typically in the early stages of adolescence and falls into the stage of development called "middle childhood" or "pre-teen years." During this time, children experience significant physical, cognitive, and social-emotional changes. Here are some characteristics and developmental milestones that you might find in a child of this age:

1. Physical Development:
- Growth spurts, entering the beginning stages of puberty with the onset of secondary sexual characteristics (e.g., breast development for girls, facial hair growth for boys).
- Rapid increase in height and weight.
- Improved coordination, balance, and physical skills, allowing for participation in more complex sports or activities.
- Developing more refined motor skills, such as writing neatly and tying shoelaces independently.

2. Cognitive Development:
- Increased memory and attention span, allowing for more complex thinking and problem-solving.
- Developing the ability to think abstractly and engage in hypothetical reasoning.
- Developing the capacity for logical thinking and understanding cause-and-effect relationships.
- More advanced reading, writing, and math skills.
- Improving organizational skills and ability to plan ahead.

3. Social-Emotional Development:
- Seeking independence from parents and increased reliance on peers for support and companionship.
- Experiencing a range of emotions more intensely, as well as increased self-awareness.
- Developing a sense of identity and personal values.
- Beginning to understand and navigate social norms and expectations.
- Showing increasing empathy and concern for others.

It's important to remember that these characteristics may vary from child to child, as everyone develops at their own pace. If you're specifically interested in the development of a child in your age group, try observing the child's behavior and interacting with them to gain further insights into their developmental stage.