What is the solution of the inequality 1_< x

What is the sum of 4 and x is greater than 6

A snake's body temperature never goes below 3C
what inequality can I write to represent this

Nina wants to take at least $15 to the movies. What inequality can I write to represent this situation

2. x + 4 > 6

3. x => 3C

4. x => $15


To find the solution to the inequality 1 ≤ x, we look at the given inequality symbol (≤) which means "less than or equal to." This means that x can be equal to 1, and any value greater than 1.

So, the solution to the inequality 1 ≤ x is x ≥ 1.

For the second question, "What is the sum of 4 and x is greater than 6," we want to represent this as an inequality.
The sum of 4 and x is greater than 6 can be written as:
4 + x > 6.

This inequality states that the sum of 4 and x is greater than 6.

For the third question, "A snake's body temperature never goes below 3C, what inequality can I write to represent this," we want to represent the idea that the snake's body temperature is always greater than or equal to 3 degrees Celsius.

The inequality that represents this is:
T ≥ 3,
where T represents the snake's body temperature and ≥ symbolizes "greater than or equal to."

For the fourth question, "Nina wants to take at least $15 to the movies. What inequality can I write to represent this situation," we want to represent the idea that the amount Nina has should be greater than or equal to $15.

The inequality that represents this is:
A ≥ 15,
where A represents the amount Nina has and ≥ symbolizes "greater than or equal to."