The Position of two A and B on the earth’s surface are (36°N, 49°E) and (36°N, 131°W ) respectively.

(a) The difference in long between town A and town

49 + 131 = 180


(180 - 131) + 49 = ?

Please disregard my second answer.

The longitude measures the east-west position of a location on the Earth's surface. To calculate the difference in longitude between two towns, you need to subtract the longitude of one town from the longitude of the other town.

In this case, the longitude of town A is given as 49°E, and the longitude of town B is given as 131°W. However, longitudes are traditionally measured in values ranging from 0° to 180°E or 180°W. Therefore, we need to convert the longitude of town B from 131°W to its equivalent value in degrees east.

To convert a longitude from West to East, we subtract it from 360°. Therefore, the longitude of town B in degrees east can be calculated as follows:

Longitude of town B = 360° - 131°W

Next, we can calculate the difference in longitude between town A and town B by subtracting the longitude of town A from the converted longitude of town B:

Difference in longitude = Longitude of town B - Longitude of town A

Let's calculate it step by step:

Step 1: Convert the longitude of town B from 131°W to degrees east:
Longitude of town B = 360° - 131°W = 360° - (-131°) = 360° + 131° = 491°E

Step 2: Calculate the difference in longitude between town A and town B:
Difference in longitude = Longitude of town B - Longitude of town A
= 491°E - 49°E
= 442°E

Therefore, the difference in longitude between town A and town B is 442°E.