How long does it take a plane, traveling at a constant speed of 233 m/s, to fly once around a circle whose radius is 2090 m?

Circumference = pi*2r = 3.14 * 4,180 =

13,132 m.

d = V*t
d = 13,132 m.
V = 233 m/s.
Solve for t.

Well, let me do some calculations while also trying to keep the mood light. Imagine the plane doing a circle in the sky, looping around like a graceful acrobat. Now, we need to figure out how long this impressive performance will take.

To find the time it takes, we can use the formula: time = distance / speed. In this case, the distance traveled is equal to the circumference of the circle, which is given by the formula: circumference = 2 * π * radius.

So, the distance is 2 * π * 2090 m, and the speed is 233 m/s. Let's calculate!

(2 * π * 2090 m) / 233 m/s = 35.88 seconds.

So, my friend, it takes approximately 35.88 seconds for the plane to complete one full loop around the circle. Keep in mind that this calculation assumes the plane maintains a constant speed and doesn't face any wind or technical issues. Safe travels!

To find out how long it takes for the plane to fly once around the circle, we can use the formula for circumference and divide it by the speed of the plane.

The formula for the circumference of a circle is C = 2πr, where C is the circumference and r is the radius.

In this case, the radius of the circle is given as 2090 m, so we can substitute it into the formula:

C = 2π(2090)

Now, we need to find the time it takes for the plane to fly once around the circle, which can be given by the formula:

time = distance / speed

Since the circumference of the circle is the distance the plane needs to cover, we can substitute the distance into the formula:

time = C / speed

Now, let's substitute the values:

time = (2π(2090)) / 233

Calculating this expression gives us the answer:

time ≈ 17.93 seconds

Therefore, it takes approximately 17.93 seconds for the plane to fly once around a circle with a radius of 2090 m, while traveling at a constant speed of 233 m/s.

if you have your distance of 13,132m and you know your speed of 233m/s

recall distance=speed x time so take your distance and divide it by your speed

13,132/233= 56.361 seconds

ULL Physics